• UniSa Scholarship

  • Scholarship name



    How to apply

    Closing date

    International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

    Academic merit and research potential

    $27,651 per annum for 3 years (2011 stipend rate)
    Scholarship benefits and conditions(PDF file, 184 kb)

    Apply online

    31 August (for following year)

    President's Scholarships (UPS)

    Academic merit

    Tuition fees (living allowance negotiable)
    Scholarship benefits and conditions(PDF file, 184 kb)

    Apply online

    31 August (for following year) and 28 February (for current year)

    Industry scholarships

    More information about industry scholarsips (APAIs)

    Scholarship name

    Research area


    How to apply

    Closing date

    Reconsidering sustainable building and design: a cultural change approach

    Built environment

    $27,651 per annum for 3 years (2011 rate)

    Apply online

    31 August 2011

    Electrical engineering (biomedical) to develop in vivo drug/biomarker delivery device

    Electrical engineering (biomedical engineering)

    $27,651 per annum for 3 years

    Apply online

    31 August 2011


    Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)

    Research must relate to a priority development area; must satisfy the criteria established for each country

    Tuition fees, living expenses, fieldwork expenses etc

    Apply online




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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