• RMIT Scholarship

  • Postgraduate by coursework

    • Australia Endeavour Awards
      For local and international students, worth up to $263,500; applications open April/November.
    • Boeing Scholarship
      For local and international undergraduate and masters by coursework or research students enrolled in aviation, computer science, engineering or information technology; worth $3000 as a one off payment; applications open early 2012.
    • Master of Biotechnology by Coursework Scholarship
      For international students studying Master of Biotechnology by coursework; worth $5000 towards tuition fees; no application required.
    • School of Computer Science and IT International Commencing Scholarship
      For international students starting an undergraduate or postgraduate program at RMIT’s School of Computer Science and IT; worth $3000 per year towards your fees; applications now open.

    Postgraduate by research


    • AusAID Scholarships
      For international bachelor, masters by coursework and PhD students offering various scholarships and awards; worth tuition fees, stipend and more; open date varies by country.
    • Foundation Studies Scholarship
      For international students enrolling in RMIT Foundation Studies; worth $5000 towards your tuition; applications close two months prior to study start date.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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