• UOW Scholarship

  • International Students - HDR Scholarships

    The University of Wollongong offers a wide range of research scholarships and awards to eligible International Higher Degree Research students. The UOW HDR scholarships are in the form of allowances to assist candidates in meeting their living costs while they undertake their research. They can include: Annual Stipends, Living Allowances and Tuition Fee costs.

    Postgraduate Coursework Scholarships

    International Scholarships

    The Sydney Business School offers partial tuition scholarships for qualifying international students each year:

    Engineering Scholars International Undergraduate Scholarship 

    Engineering Scholars degree and Physics Advanced is a Bachelor degree for high performing students. At the University of Wollongong we understand that certain students need a more challenging environment from their undergraduate studies.  The Bachelor of Engineering - Scholars, Bachelor of Medical Radiation Physics Advanced and Bachelor of Physics Advanced offers a range of additional opportunities during your degree.  International students who are eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Engineering - Scholars, Bachelor of Medical Radiation Physics Advanced and Bachelor of Physics Advanced, are also eligible for the "Engineering Scholars International Undergraduate Scholarship"

    All students that achieve the equivalent of 95% or above in their year 12 examinations will receive the  Engineering Scholars International Undergraduate Scholarship and will be guaranteed, on commencement of study, to:

    • $3,000.00 cash per annum. Students receive two X $1,500.00 instalments per year payable at the beginning of each new semester (autumn and spring) for two years.
    • A 1 time guaranteed $1000 travel grant for the student to study abroad for 6 months at one of UOW Engineering’s high-profile partner universities in the UK, USA, France, Germany or Asia. Please note: you will have to gain access to the specified destination or institution to receive this grant. 
    • Access to postgraduate seminars, extra tutoring, research projects in-place of coursework elective modules, and accelerated learning/completion.
    • Access to Summer Vacation Scholarship program for the Top 10 international students. The work experience will have a minimum value of $5,000.00.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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