• LaTrobe Scholarship

  • Postgraduate research

    International Postgraduate Research Scheme (IPRS) and La Trobe University Fee Remission Research Scholarship (LTUFRRS)

    The IPRS (previously referred to as the Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scheme) and LTUFRRS awards are open to international students who want to study  a higher degree by research at a Master's or PhD level. The EIPRS are funded by the Australian Government and approximately 300 scholarships are awarded  nationally each year. In 2008 40 LTUFRRS will be available for commencing research candidates.

    Both scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit and are designed to cover tuition fees for a period of two years for a Master's by Research degree and three years for a Doctoral (PhD) degree. The closing date for these scholarships is 30 September for students who wish to begin their studies the following year.

    Scholarship recipients must be ready to start no later than 30 June in the  year after application. Please note also that scholarship offers will be made conditional on evidence of English language proficiency. International students may apply for this scholarship when they apply for admissionto La Trobe University. A separate application form is not  required, although applicants should note that they may be required to submit  further documentation on request (e.g. thesis chapter/s in English translation). Applicants who are currently studying on a scholarship sponsored by AusAID or have just completed study on such a scholarship are NOT ELIGIBLE to apply for the EIPRS.

    La Trobe University Postgraduate Research Scholarships (LTUPRS)

    International students who want to study a higher degree by research at a  Master's or PhD level can also apply for the La Trobe University Postgraduate  Research Scholarships (LTUPRS). The La Trobe University Postgraduate Research Scholarships are valued at  A$19,231 per annum for full-time study and is designed to assist with cost of  living (cannot be used to pay tuition fees).

    The closing date for these scholarships is 30 September for  students who wish to begin their studies the following year. Scholarship recipients must be ready to commence no later than 30 June in  the year after application. Please note also that scholarship offers will be  made conditional on evidence of English language proficiency.

    International students may apply for this scholarship when they apply for admissionto La Trobe University. A separate application form is not  required, although applicants should note that they may be required to submit  further documentation on request (e.g. thesis chapter/s in English translation).

    Postgraduate coursework

    Scholarships for the Master of Financial Analysis suite of programs

    La Trobe University will offer a partial scholarship for high achieving international students for the Master of Financial Analysis and specialised programs offered in July and September 2011. Programs covered under this scholarship are listed below:

    Value of the Scholarship

    A$5,000 per semester for the duration of the course (1.5years) and up to a maximum of A$15,000 per student.

    Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering Scholarships

    Partial Fee Waiver Scholarships

    These scholarships are available to international students taking up courses offered by the faculty. Scholarships of A$3000 and A$6000 are offered as a one-off partial fee waiver for postgraduate courses commencing in 2011.

    Endeavour Awards Program

    The Endeavour Awards Program is an Australian Government initiative, bringing together under the one umbrella all of the Department of Education, Science and Trainings (DEST) international scholarships. Over the next five; years from 2007 to 2011, up to 10,000 scholarships will be offered as part of the Endeavour Programme. The Programme aims to bring high achieving students, researchers and professionals from the Asia-Pacific region and other regions to; Australia to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in a broad range of disciplines. It also encourages Australians to do the same abroad.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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