• Murdoch Scholarship

  • Undergraduate Scholarships

    If you are planning to study at Murdoch or already enrolled here chances are there is a scholarship you can apply for. The majority of scholarships for undergraduate students aim to provide financial assistance for those in hardship, like the Murdoch Senate Scholarship. There are also scholarships for individual courses like Law and Nursing, and for specific personal circumstances such as where you live - or where you want to live!

    Scholarships are not loans, once you’ve been paid it is yours to keep and spend on whatever you need. You are strongly encouraged to apply for as many scholarships as you find you are eligible for. Application opening and closing times vary according to the scholarship, and there are new scholarships all the time so keep your eye on the web pages for the most up to date information.

    Honours Scholarships

    Your Honours year will be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you will have at Murdoch. Imagine if you didn't have to worry so much about money, and you could focus on achieving your academic potential! Honours scholarships start from $2,500 up to an amazing $10,000.

    Scholarships for postgraduate by coursework students

    Postgraduate Access and Equity Scholarship

    For students with a background of disadvantage who are considering undertaking a Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate or Masters by Coursework.

    Graduate Certificate in Migration Law & Practice Social Justice Scholarship

    For students wishing to undertake a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice (C1063) Social Justice Scholarship and who can demonstrate a history of commitment to Social Justice.

    International Exchange Scholarship Opportunities

    Murdoch International Exchange Scholarships

    • Murdoch's International Office awards 10 students each year with $2,000 to help with the costs of studying abroad on exchange.
    • Both domestic and international students are eligible to receive the International Exchange Scholarship.

    Government Scholarships

    • University Mobility Asia Pacific subsidies of up to $5,000 are offered to undergraduate Exchange students who go on exchange to selected universities in the Asia Pacific region.
    • UMAP destinations vary from year to year and there are a limited number available each year.
    • Applications are open to Australian citizens and Permanent Residents.
    • Endeavour Program ScholarshipScholarships of up to $5,000 are offered to undergraduate Exchange students who go to selected universities for a trimester- or year-long Exchange.
    • Destinations change from year to year and there are a limited number available each year.
    • Applications are open to Australian citizens and Permanent Residents.

    How do you apply?

    • If you apply for an exchange program you will automatically be considered for a scholarship.
    • The scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and selection is based on your academic achievement, the quality of your written application and an interview.
    • Scholarships are intended to assist with the overall cost of participating in an exchange program, but you'll be required to have access to other funding sources to support yourself while on exchange.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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