• UWS Scholarship

  • International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

    These awards are for full-time study towards higher degrees by research. IPRS are funded by the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations (DEEWR). Competition for scholarships is intense; only applicants with extensive research training and experience will be offered an award. UWS may also offer University funded awards called UWS International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (UWSIPRS). These awards carry the same stipend and conditions as the government funded IPRS. Applicants do not need to apply separately for these awards. All applicants for the IPRS are automatically considered for the UWSIPRS if they are not offered an IPRS.

    The award provides for the full cost of tuition and overseas student health cover. The award may not provide for other fees charged by the University from time to time. UWS also provides a living allowance of A$22,860 per annum, indexed annually and paid fortnightly. The tenure of the award is three years for doctoral candidates and two years for Masters Honours (research masters) candidates.

    Students from any overseas country, except New Zealand, who are commencing a new research degree course and do not already hold an equivalent degree are eligible to apply. Applicants for coursework awards are not eligible to apply, even where there is a research component in the degree. Students who have already commenced their research degree may not be eligible. Current AusAID students are ineligible.

    Applications close on Wednesday 31 August 2011.

    The UWS Research Studies Committee has designed a metric to rank applications for International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) and UWS International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (UWSIPRS). The criteria for allocation of these awards is primarily academic merit. Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian first class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year, with a score of at least 80 per cent. Academic merit includes undergraduate grades, bachelor honours awards, other postgraduate degrees, publications in refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.

    The IPRS and UWSIPRS Ranking Metric 2011 (PDF, 65Kb) provides advice about the ranking process and the documentation required to support your claims. The University reserves the right to offer IPRS awards in designated areas of University research strength.

    Step 1: Contact an academic advisor

    You are strongly advised to contact an academic advisor to discuss your proposed project before applying. A Research Coordinator is available in each School, Research Group, Research Centre and Research Institute to discuss your eligibility for admission and assist you to identify a suitable supervisor. Please refer to the list of UWS Research Coordinators.

    Step 2: Submit an application form

    The Application Form (PDF, 288Kb) includes an application for scholarship and an application for admission to your preferred course. If you have not already applied for admission you must submit both the Application for Scholarship and the Application for Admission. All applicants are required to submit a research proposal and certified copies of their transcripts and certificates of completion. If you have published your work in refereed journals or presented your work at conferences you are required to submit very particular evidence of these achievements.  Please refer to the instructions in the application for information on how to present this evidence.

    If you are currently enrolled in a research degree at any institution you may not be eligible to apply for these awards. Please contact the Research Scholarships Development Officer for advice about your eligibility if this applies to you. Your application for admission will be considered by the University on receipt and you may be advised of the outcome before the University ranks your scholarship application. Scholarships are awarded in October and successful applicants may commence their course and scholarship in the Autumn session each year.

    International students on scholarship are permitted to work the maximum number of hours as per their individual visa conditions.  However, the University recognises that it is in your best interests to undertake a minimal amount of paid work to ensure you are able to focus on your studies. Scholarship holders are not obligated to undertake tutoring or other academic employment. In all cases the paid work must not interfere with your study program.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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