• ACU Scholarship

  • Scholarships and Bursaries

    ACU offers a wide range of scholarships and bursaries to commencing and continuing undergraduate and postgraduate students across all fields of study. Many of these scholarships and bursaries recognise outstanding academic achievement and acknowledge the University’s responsibility to provide access to students who might otherwise be excluded, or disadvantaged, by socio-economic, cultural, geographic and/or other disadvantages.

    If you are a current ACU student, have applied, or are considering applying, to ACU, you can use this site to find out about scholarships and bursaries offered through the University. If you meet the eligibility criteria for multiple scholarships or bursaries, there is no restriction on the number of applications you can submit.

    Scholarships and Bursaries Browser

    After you have read all the information on this page, use the Scholarships and Bursaries Browser to find out what’s available through ACU and if there are any scholarships or bursaries you are eligible to apply for. Eligibility, guidelines, criteria and information on how to apply are included in the rules for each scholarship and bursary.

    Supporting Documentation

    The scholarship or bursary rules will outline details of any supporting documentation you are required to submit with your application. If supporting documentation is required, make sure you have all your documents on hand when you begin your application as applications submitted without required documentation cannot be considered.

    Selection and Notification of Outcome

    Once your complete application has been submitted, it will be forwarded to a Selection Committee for assessment. Following the assessment process, you will be notified of the outcome of your application, via email. If you are already enrolled at ACU, be sure to check your student email account regularly as the University will only communicate with you via this email address. If you are not yet enrolled at ACU, email advice will be forwarded via the personal email account you provided with your application.

    Taxation/Income Implications

    Some scholarship payments may be classed as income and have an impact on your tax liability or your eligibility for government support through Centrelink. It is your responsibility, as a scholarship recipient, to ascertain any such impacts.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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