• Flinders Scholarship

  • Flinders scholarships for international students

    The following scholarships are available to international students studying at Flinders University:

    Australian Leadership Awards

    This scholarship is intended for students who are already leaders or have the potential to assume leadership roles that can influence social and economic policy reform and development outcomes, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region. The ALA program comprises of Scholarships and Fellowships.

    ALA Scholarships are academically elite awards offered to high achievers from the Asia-Pacific region each year to undertake postgraduate study (Masters or Doctorate) and a Leadership Development Program in Australia. Selection for ALA Scholarships is highly competitive, based on leadership qualities and on academic excellence.  Further information is available in the Australian Leadership Awards document (PDF 282KB)and website. 

    AusAID Australian Development Scholarships

    Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are a highly-valued form of development cooperation between Australia and partner countries with which Australia has a bilateral aid program.

    ADS provide partner countries with the opportunity to strengthen their human resource capacity through offering scholarships to individuals within key institutions to undertake tertiary studies in Australia in areas relevant to the development needs of the country. Further information about Australian Development Scholarships is available on the AusAIDwebsite.

    Endeavour Awards

    The Endeavour Awards are an internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program that forms part of the Australian Government's $1.4 billion Australian Scholarships. The Endeavour Awards bring leading researchers, executives and students to Australia to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in a broad range of disciplines and enables Australians to do the same abroad.  To find out more information please visit the Endeavour Awardswebsite.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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