• Charls Darwin Scholarship

  • Scholarships for International Students

    Accommodation Scholarships for international  Students

    CDU offers 4 weeks free on-campus accommodation at International House Darwin (NFIH) for newly arriving full-fee paying international students commencing their first degree or diploma program at the University in 2011 or 2012. Vice-Chancellors International High Achievers Scholarships

    CDU offers a number of 50% tuition fee scholarships for full-fee paying high academic achievers commencing study at CDU in 2012.The 50% discount applies to the tuition fees for the full duration of any undergraduate, postgraduate or research degree. The scholarships will be awarded on academic merit. Applications for students commencing in Semester 1 2012 (March intake) close on 6 January 2012.

    English Language Tuition Fee Scholarships for International Students

    CDU offers a number of English language tuition fee scholarships for 10 weeks Academic English language training at Navitas English Darwin for newly arriving full-fee paying international students commencing their first degree program at the University in 2012.


    Charles Darwin University provides undergraduate, postgraduate and research courses for AusAID Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) students and for Australian Partnerships Scholarship Students (APS). Please note APS scholarships are exclusive to Indonesian students. ADS and APS students enjoy the support services offered to all international students, plus:

    • Support from the university’s designated AusAID Officer
    • A special Introductory Academic Program (IAP)
    • Additional tuition support as recommended by academic staff
    • nternational Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)

    The IPRS program enables outstanding international students to undertake a research Masters or a PhD in areas of research strength at Australian universities and gain experience with leading Australian researchers. Funded by DEST, the IPRS provides tuition fees and compulsory overseas student health cover (OSHC) for scholarship holders and health cover for dependents.  Scholarships are open to all international students and are available for a period of two years for a research Masters and three years for a PhD, with a possible extension where academic circumstances merit.

    Applications for IPRS at Charles Darwin University close on 30 September each year. Applicants must complete the CDU International Application for Research Studies and submit it together with all the required documentation and a research proposal to arrive in the CDU Office of International Services NO LATER THAN 30 SEPTEMBER for admission in the following year. There is no separate scholarship application form.

    NOTE: The IPRS awards are extremely competitive. In 2009, 2 IPRS Scholarships were available, for approximately 40 applicants.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
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