• Coventry University


    Scholarships at Coventry University

    University Scholarships

    For truly outstanding undergraduate candidates a scholarship may be available. Coventry University scholarships are awarded to recognise truly exceptional academic and sports achievement.

    Sports Scholarships

    This Scholarships are awarded competitively to approximately 30 students each year. Applications are open to all students participating in a sport recognised by SportEnglandSports Scholarships are for one year and are worth either:

    • £3,000: consisting of up to £1,500 cash and up to £1,500 worth of support, or
    • £1,500: consisting of £750 cash and £750 worth of support.           

    Academic Exellence Scholarships

    This Scholarship rewards students who obtain ABB or better from three full A-Levels, or equivalent qualifications. The award is either £1,000 cash a year or £1,500 discount a year on University-owned accommodation. Subject to satisfactory performance, the scholarship will be extended to the second and third year of the degree. This could mean an award of up to £3,000 or £4,500 during the length of your degree studies if you satisfy the renewal conditions each year.

    EC Exellence Scholarships

    This Scholarship rewards students studying within the Faculty of Engineering and Computing who obtain BBB or better from three full A-Levels, or equivalent qualifications. The award is either £1,000 cash a year or £1,500 discount a year on University-owned accommodation. Subject to satisfactory performance, the scholarship will be extended to the second and third year of the degree. This could mean an award of up to £3,000 or £4,500 during the length of your degree studies if you satisfy the renewal conditions each year.

    Phoenix Scholarships

    This Scholarships will be awarded competitively on the basis of good results. Each scholarship is worth £3,000. Of this, the successful scholars will receive:

    • a fee waiver of £2,000.This will reduce tuition fee liability;
    • a cash payment of £500 (paid by BACS);
    • a credit of £500 that can be taken in a variety of ways:
      • an additional fee waiver;
      • a discount on university owned accommodation;
      • vouchers which can be spent on campus services such as the bookshop, catering outlets, sports centre, study materials etc.           

    International Scholarships

    Full payment discount

    Students who pay their tuition fees in full before or at enrolment will be offered a discount of 5% of the tuition fee. 

    Merit Scholarship scheme

    Merit Scholarship scheme: £1,000, in year one only and based on academic performance.

    • Available to all international students applying for full-time undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Coventry University.
    • Scholarships are allocated on the basis of academic merit. (Postgraduate applicants must hold 2.1 or equivalent, undergraduate applicants must hold A-levels or equivalent at grades BBC) 
    • There is no separate scholarship application process: all undergraduate applications from self-funded international students from any non-EU country and postgraduate applications from international, will automatically be considered for a merit award. 

    Alumni discounts

    Alumni from Coventry University will receive a discount of £500 from the full-time fees payable for their postgraduate programme. 

    University Research Studentship Scheme

    Occasionally, funding becomes available to enable the University, either centrally, through one of the faculties or from other sources, to offer research studentships in specified topics or fields of study. 

    Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme

    The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the United Kingdom (CSC) offers opportunities to Commonwealth citizens to study in the UK, as part of the UK's contribution to the international Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan.

    If you are a citizen of a developed Commonwealth country, you can apply for: Scholarships for PhD and split-site (PhD) study

    If you are a citizen of a developing Commonwealth country, you can apply for

    • Scholarships for Masters, PhD, or split-site (PhD) study at UK universities
    • Shared Scholarships for Masters study at selected UK universities

    If you are a citizen of the Maldives, St Helena or the Seychelles, you can apply for:

    • Scholarships for undergraduate study at UK universities

    Engineering and Computing £200,000 Scholarship Scheme

    Up to 55 scholarships to a total value of £200,000 will be awarded to talented students joining the university in January and September 2013. Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis and applicants will need to submit a 500 word essay on how they will use the qualification they gain from Coventry University to contribute to the field of engineering and computing.

    Health & Life Sciences Dean’s Merit Scholarship

    The Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Dean’s Merit Scholarship Scheme offers £2,500 in year one only and is based on academic performance.

    EU Merit Scholarship Scheme

    The Coventry University EU Merit Scholarship Scheme is open to all EU students applying for a full-time postgraduate programme at Coventry University. A merit scholarship of £500 will be allocated on the basis of academic merit (to applicants obtaining a 1st Class Honours degree or equivalent). 




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 26 May 2013
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