• University of East Anglia, scholarship


    Scholarships at University of East Anglia

    UEA International Student Scholarships

    The University of East Anglia awards over £1,000,000 of scholarships each year to support international students in their studies. The awards are made by individual Schools of Study in the University. All international students (outside the European Union) are considered for a scholarship of between 10% and 50% of tuition fees. Scholarships are awarded to students on the basis of academic merit and are normally for the duration of the period of study - three years for Bachelor and PhD degrees and one year for Masters programmes. They are available from all Schools of Study and across most courses of study.                                                             


    School of International Development Scholarships

    £1,000 fee awards may be offered to international applicants on the basis of academic excellence. All eligible candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for nomination.

    School of International Development Full Fees Scholarship

    A full fee award may be offered to one international taught applicant on the basis of academic excellence (e.g. first class degree) and their personal statement. All eligible candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for nomination.

    School of International Development Scholarships for Japanese Students

    International Development Excellence Scholarships - £3,000 fees awards may be offered to up to two applicants from Japan on the basis of academic excellence and their personal statement. All eligible candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for nomination.

    Lord Walston Scholarship

    One Lord Walston Scholarship may be available, on the basis of academic excellence, for applicants from Africa who are working in natural resource based projects (agriculturalist/natural resource) applying for a place on the MA Agriculture and Rural Development, the MSc Environment and International Development or the MSc Climate Change and International Development. The Scholarship covers Full Fees and Maintenance (living expenses). 

    Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme

    The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme is a joint initiative between the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (with funding from DFID), and UK universities, to support scholarships for students from developing Commonwealth countries who would not otherwise be able to study in the United Kingdom. One award may be available to candidates, under 35 years old, from a developing Commonwealth country who have been offered a place on an advanced taught course. The School is able to nominate one student per year for this scholarship. All candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for nomination and the appropriate application forms are automatically sent to the student selected. Students already studying in the developed countries are not eligible; neither are employees of government or parastatal bodies. The award includes Full Fees, Maintenance and Travel costs. All eligible candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for nomination and the appropriate application forms are automatically sent to the student selected.

    Marshal Papworth Scholarship

    Up to 5 Marshal Papworth Scholarships may be available, on the basis of academic excellence, for applicants from developing countries working in natural resource based projects (agriculturalist/natural resource) applying for a place on the MA Agriculture and Rural Development, or the MSc Environment and International Development. The Scholarship varies from £12,000 to £17,000 as determined by the Marshal Papworth committee. All eligible candidates to whom the School have made an offer are automatically considered for this award. The School nominated student will be sent the appropriate application forms.

    General (Non-UK Residents)

    Students planning to come to Britain to study should seek information from their own Ministry of Education and from the nearest British Council Office, British Embassy or British High Commission. Students already in the UK can obtain information from their own Embassy or High Commission and the British Council regional or London offices..

    Chevening Scholarships – MA Media and International Development

    The MA in Media and International Development has a three year agreement with the British Foreign and Commonwealth office (FCO) and the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) to award one student a Chevening bursary to cover fees, accommodation and subsistence. To qualify, students must currently be employed as a full-time staff member of one of CBA's member organisations (Full Members and Affiliates), from a developing country in the Commonwealth.




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    Last Updated: 04 February 2013
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