• Edge Hill University, scholarship


    Scholarships at Edge Hill University


    Edge Hill University has a range of scholarships on offer to international students. All full fee-paying international students applying for a course lasting at least one academic year will be considered for the award of a scholarship. By applying for a course, an application for a scholarship will automatically be made, with one of the following scholarships awarded once criteria are met.                                                               


    International Excellence Scholarship

    This is for students who can demonstrate academic excellence and proficiency in English (normally equivalent of no less than IELTS 6.5 or equivalent) and is worth £1,000 towards your tuition fees. Successful students will be notified in their offer letter, with the awards made at the University’s discretion.

    International Development Scholarship

    This is for students who have studied in an emerging or developing country (as defined by the IMF) and wish to return to their own country of origin to contribute to the country’s development. It is worth £1,000 towards your tuition fees. Successful students will be notified in their offer letter, with the awards made at the University’s discretion.

    International Family Scholarship

    This is for siblings of students who have studied/are studying at Edge Hill, and is worth £1,000 towards your tuition fees. You must state the name of your sibling (brother or sister) when applying, as well as the course they completed or are registered for. Awards will be made automatically once the information has been confirmed.

    Pre-Masters onto Masters Degree Special Financial Package

    This package will be awarded for students who are studying for a Pre-Masters programme leading onto a Masters degree at Edge Hill. A £2,000 fee scholarship will be awarded towards the cost of the Pre-Masters programme. On successful completion of the Pre-Masters programme, students can progress to a Masters degree, where a £2,000 fee scholarship will be applied. Successful students will be notified in their offer letter.

    Other Scholarships

    For students who are already studying at Edge Hill, there are also two scholarships available:

    • International Achievement Scholarship

    Worth £2,000, this is for students who display exceptional academic performance (average mark no less than 70%). Awards will be made towards tuition fees in the next year of study, as long as tuition and accommodation fees have been paid in full. These scholarships will be confirmed after the Assessment Board.

    • International Alumni Scholarship

    This is for students who have successfully completed an Edge Hill degree programme, are applying for another full-time degree course and is worth £1,500 towards your tuition fees. Successful students will be notified in their offer letter, with the awards made at the University’s discretion.




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 04 February 2013
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