• ifs School of Finance

  • ifs School of Finance


    The ifs was founded in 1879 as the Institute of Bankers and has remained at the forefront of professional education in financial services ever since. The ifs School of Finance is a not-for-profit professional body and registered charity incorporated by Royal Charter and is the only specialist provider of professional financial education that is able to award its own taught degrees. It has a remit to offer the financial services industry with a skilled and competent workforce while also promoting a better understanding of finance amongst consumers.



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    All of the ifs’ qualifications content and learning experience is directly informed by the needs of those they exist to educate. They bridge the academic and vocational divide to provide students with essential practical skills and the conceptual and analytical abilities of academic study.

    It is this unique and innovative approach that makes the ifs the provider of choice for organisations and individuals seeking to improve knowledge, skills and career prospects in the area of finance and financial services.

    Full time undergraduate qualifications

    Part time undergraduate qualifications

    Postgraduate qualifications

    Student testimonial
    Student Testimonial The great thing about the ifs School of Finance is, not only do you learn all the required theory to succeed, but you are also exposed to the real world settings of the financial industry, through the trips that they organised for us. The most recent to the London Metals Exchange showed us the intense and dynamic atmosphere of a live trading floor. The ifs’ faculty has a vast experience in the financial industry and the variety of teachers has proven to be very supportive both in and outside of class.






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 08 April 2013
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