• Hull York Medical School

  • Hull York Medical School

    As anyone knows who has visited its facilities in either Hull or York, HYMS is not the first medical school on either site. Both cities had schools in the nineteenth century, but neither of them survived the changes wrought by the Medical Acts and the foundation of the General Medical Council in 1858. The University of Hull had aspirations for a new medical school from the mid-1970s, but it was only when the decision was taken to found four new medical schools in the UK that this became a reality with the exciting opportunity to combine the strengths of both Hull and York.




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    Among other things, York had strong biological sciences and health sciences departments; Hull had its own Postgraduate Medical School and a large clinical base. This area of the country had been 'under-doctored' for many years, and the hope was that a new medical school would not only pull in expertise and ease recruitment, but also provide long-term improvements to the quality of healthcare in the region, because doctors tend to stay and work close to where they study as medical students.

    The Masters in Human Evolution programme:


    Research centres :

    Student testimonial
    Student Testimonial “I did a Drama SSC that looked at how medical illness was portrayed in the arts, and in particular how the arts might help us to develop an appreciation and understanding of what it might be like for people living with disabling illnesses. As part of our assessment we had to develop a character that had some form of illness and, using various methods, try to engage in their psyche and depict their illness through a performance. The character I developed was based on the boxer Muhammad Ali who suffers from a form of Parkinson’s Disease that may have been linked to his bouts in the ring. By showing the impact his condition had on his life, I was able to create a piece that resonated amongst the audience as well as give me a deeper understanding of the subtleties involved in disability."






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    Last Updated: 08 April 2013
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