• Queensland Business

  • Business at Queensland University

    Bachelor of Business Management


    3 Years full-time

    This program is designed for aspiring business leaders and managers of the future. Graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and self-confidence to assist in effective and successful management, within constantly changing and highly competitive national and international business environments.
    You will complete compulsory core courses and can choose to specialize with a major. A range of electives are also available, including advanced business management courses.

    Bachelor of Commerce

    English Proficiency

    IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6.

    The Bachelor of Commerce program will prepare you for any career in general management, banking, financial management, and accounting and information systems. Graduates are also equipped to work as public accountants in commercial or government administration, or in private practice. Courses focus on accounting, financial planning, decision-making and control in organizations. You will examine the fundamental principles of commerce and the business environment, and learn how to apply business principles to contemporary business practices.

    Bachelor of Economics

    The study of economics is central to an understanding of business, markets, trade, government policies, international issues, globalization, health, development, and the environment. This program is for students intending to become analysts, advisors, and economists in the public and private sectors and leads to careers in business, finance, international development, health, human resource management, marketing, management and research.

    IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6.


    3 Years full-time

    Master of Business


    1.5 Years full-time

    The Master of Business program is designed for current managers seeking formal qualifications and for those aspiring to middle/senior management in relevant industries. This program allows students to gain specialist knowledge in a chosen field and accelerate careers within particular business disciplines.

    English Proficiency

    IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6.

    Master of Business Economics


    1.5 Years full-time

    English Proficiency

    IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6.

    The Master of Business Economics provides a strong foundation in economic principles and meets the needs of decision-makers and advisors in business and related areas. This program does not presume prior knowledge or training in economics. It is designed for existing and aspiring middle and upper managers and develops the economic skills and problem-solving competencies necessary to deal with the management challenges of rapid change and increasing business complexity. Students develop a critical ability in applying economics to practical scenarios. Diverse courses span both traditional and emerging economic fields. The program produces professionals with the multidisciplinary background required in economics and business; lateral thinkers who are analytically strong and adaptable.

    Master of Commerce


    1.5 Years full-time

    English Proficiency

    IELTS overall 6.5; reading 6; writing 6; speaking 6; listening 6.

    The Master of Commerce covers core competencies in accounting, finance, information systems and e-commerce. This innovative program is designed for people in middle to senior management who are looking for further knowledge in their chosen careers. Graduates in other fields have the opportunity to change career directions through quality courses leading to professional qualifications in the fields of applied finance, electronic commerce, information systems or professional accounting. Students must major in one of four fields of expertise.


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    Last Updated: 09 October 2011
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