• Monash Business

  • Business at Monash

    Consistent with the Monash University's Statement of Purpose 'Monash Directions 2025', the Faculty of Business and Economics will:

    • provide a range of high quality bachelors, masters, and doctoral degree programs through selected Australian and international campuses that will attract the most talented students from Australia and overseas;
    • undertake research that is of relevance and interest to the disciplines and to the business, professional and public policy communities we serve;
    • disseminate our research through our degree programs and through research-led engagement with business, professional and public policy communities;
    • pursue our objectives in a sustainable and socially responsible manner and produce graduates capable of doing the same.

    Undergraduate Programs

    Single degrees

    Double degrees

    Postgraduate Programs

    Monash Business and Economics offers a range of postgraduate programs for students with different backgrounds and aspirations. The programs differ in terms of objectives, prerequisites and content. Our programs give students the skills they need to achieve their highest potential in the workplace.

    For aspiring business leaders

    Specialised courses for individuals with prior managerial experience who are aspiring to senior management roles.

    For experienced career professionals

    Students in these courses have employment experience but may not have a qualification in their current area of interest. These programs are for people wishing to gain a formal qualification in their area of employment or who wish to make the transition to a new field or career.

    For early career professionals

    These programs are designed for students who are looking to gain specialised applied skills in particular fields of business. Courses in this group are divided into different categories depending on whether the student wishes to gain professional accreditation, or business expertise (having little or no prior experience in the field i.e. building business knowledge), or for students wishing to build upon previous study within the same discipline (developing specialist expertise).


    Attaining professional accreditation

    Building business knowledge

    Developing specialist expertise

    Master of Business/Master of Professional Accounting

    Master of Business

    Master of Applied Econometrics

    Master of Professional Accounting

    Master of Business (Banking and Finance)

    Master of Applied Finance/Master of Applied Econometrics

    Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)

    Master of Journalism/Master of Business

    Master of Applied Finance

    Master of Professional Accounting/Master of Business Law

    Master of Business Law

    Master of Applied Finance/Master of Business (Accounting)


    Master of Business (Science and Technology)

    Master of Business (Accounting)


    Master of Diplomacy and Trade

    Master of Business (Accounting) /Master of Business Law


    Master of International Business

    Master of Business Economics


    Master of International Business/Master of European International Studies

    Graduate Diploma in Applied Econometrics


    Graduate Diploma in Accounting

    Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics and Evaluation


    Graduate Diploma of Business (Management)


    Graduate Diploma in Economic Studies


    Graduate Diploma in Health Economics and Policy


    Graduate Certificate in Health Economics


    Graduate Certificate in Pharmacoeconomics



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 11 January 2012
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