• Macquarie Science

  • Science at Macquarie University

    The Faculty of Science teaches courses and conducts research about people, our physical environment and how things work. The Faculty covers:

    Undergraduate Courses

    A career in science opens up worlds of possibilities and is for people who are curious, passionate and looking for a way to be creative and productive. Science is fun and exciting, provides opportunities to travel the world, and enables you to make a difference to the planet and society.

    School courses range from the traditional science disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics, to information technology, engineering, medical sciences, chiropractic, mathematics, statistics, and many other areas in between. We live in times of great innovation, opportunity and challenge. Our courses provide you with the opportunity to build a career that will be rewarding and satisfying. Bachelor of Science degree with a choice of 25 majors in science offers maximum flexibility. You can tailor a program to suit your individual needs and interests.

    Undergraduate degrees provide a more structured study program. We have named degrees in areas where professional associations require particular course content to be covered to prepare students for future employment in their chosen profession. Our named degrees are:

    About postgraduate coursework degrees

    Postgraduate coursework degrees are programs of study that lead to Postgraduate Certificates, Postgraduate Diplomas, or Master Degrees. They usually require the successful completion of an appropriate Undergraduate degree or diploma course and sometimes applicants must have professional or other experience.

    We offer outstanding opportunities for postgraduate study through a wide range of postgraduate courses and world class research centers. The Macquarie University Research Park, our on-campus technology precinct, may provide opportunities for students to participate in research projects with companies located there. As one of Australia’s premier teaching and research institutions, we are continually developing new and relevant postgraduate programs to meet changing business requirements and challenging commercial needs.

    Postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Science

    Environment and Geography: We offer a unique range of interdisciplinary postgraduate degrees across a number of areas including environmental management, environmental education, environmental planning, environmental science, environmental studies, sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, geography, geoscience, marine science, museum studiesand wildlife management. These degrees are designed to develop the levels of professional expertise required to work in these areas. They represent areas of increasing interest to employers in Australia and internationally, and detail such issues as climate change, biodiversity and environmental conservation.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 29 September 2012
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