• Macquarie Business

  • Business at Macquarie University

    The Faculty of Business and Economics has a worldwide reputation as a leading business and economics school. Here's why:

    • We're Macquarie University's largest faculty, with over 25,000 students from over 70 different countries.
    • We boast the largest accounting department of any Australian university.
    • We're famous for our actuarial studies courses and our actuarial program has been running longer than any other in Australia.
    • Our areas of expertise extend to financial risk, working futures, ethics, governance, applied finance, business excellence, Asian economies, economics research and people and culture.

    Business Studies

    Duration : 3 years


    • Bachelor of Applied Finance
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Applied Econometrics
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Business Information Systems
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Commercial Law
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Demographics
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Economics
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Human Resources
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in International Business
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Marketing
    • Bachelor of Arts majoring in Public Sector Management
    • Bachelor of Business Administration
    • Bachelor of Commerce - Professional Accounting
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Accounting
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Applied Econometrics
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Business Information Systems
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Commercial Law
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Demographics
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Human Resources
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in International Business
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Marketing
    • Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Public Sector Management
    • Bachelor of e-Business
    • Bachelor of Economics

    Master of Business

    Duration:1 year


    • Master of Accounting (CPA Extension)
    • Master of Applied Finance
    • Master of Biotechnology with the degree of Master of Commerce specialising in Business Management and Organisations
    • Master of Commerce specialising in Accounting
    • Master of Commerce specialising in Economics
    • Master of Commerce
    • Master of Commerce specialising in Finance
    • Master of Commerce specialising in Human Resource Management
    • Master of Corporate Governance
    • Master of Economics specialising in Financial Economics
    • Master of Economics specialising in Economic Analysis and Policy
    • Master of Economics specialising in Econometrics
    • Master of Economics specialising in Development
    • Master of International Business
    • Master of International Trade and Commerce Law


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 09 October 2011
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