• RMIT Business

  • RMIT College of Business

    RMIT University has established a reputation for excellence in business and management education, providing high quality, industry responsive programs relevant to the national and global marketplace. Studying business at RMIT University is a great way to enhance your career. In today’s competitive environment, professionals need the skills to adapt to an ever changing business world. At RMIT, we give our students the skills that enable them to deal with real-world business issues.

    Bachelor of Business

    Duration: 3 years


    • Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
    • Bachelor of Business (Business Information Systems)
    • Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance)
    • Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance) (Applied)
    • Bachelor of Business (Economics and Finance) (Honours)
    • Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship)
    • Bachelor of Business (Honours)
    • Bachelor of Business (International Business)
    • Bachelor of Business (International Business) (Applied)
    • Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
    • Bachelor of Business (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) (Applied)
    • Bachelor of Business (Management)
    • Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
    • Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (Applied)
    • Bachelor of Business (Professional Accountancy)

    Master of Business



    • Master of Analytics
    • Master of Business (Logistics Management)
    • Master of Business (Marketing)
    • Master of Business Administration
    • Master of Business Administration (Executive)
    • Master of Commerce
    • Master of Finance
    • Master of Professional Accounting
    • Master of Strategic Procurement

    PhD of Business


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 09 October 2011
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