• South Australia Business

  • Business at University of South Australia

    The Division of Business is part of the University of South Australia. Our Business School educates professionals and citizens to the highest standards; creates and disseminates knowledge; and engages with communities to address the major issues of our time. With around 12,820 students, and 340 academic and professional staff, we are the largest business school in South Australia, and internationally recognised for excellence in teaching and research.

    We value scholarship, engagement, social justice, sustainability, innovation and openness, and aspire to be a leading contributor to business education in Australia, supporting a highly-educated, innovative, cohesive and sustainable society.

    Bachelor of Business

    Duration: 3 years


    • Administrative Management major
    • Human Resource Management major
    • Information Technology Management major
    • International Business major
    • Management and Leadership major
    • Marketing major
    • Marketing and Hospitality Management major
    • Supply Chain Management major
    • Tourism Management major
    • Tourism and Events Management major

    Master of Business (MBIS)



    • Program focus
    • Accounting and sustainable business
    • Applied finance
    • Business forensics
    • Information systems
    • Personal financial planning
    • Property

    Doctor of Philosophy (DPHD)

    Duration: 3 years


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 09 October 2011
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