• Newcastle Business

  • Business at New Castle University

    The Newcastle Business School is the largest of two academic units within the Faculty of Business and Law. We conduct teaching and research in the disciplines of:

    • Accounting and Finance
    • Economics
    • Human Resource Management
    • International Business
    • Leisure and Tourism
    • Marketing
    • Management and Organisational Studies
    • Operations and Information Management
    • Politics
    • Supply Chain Management

    Study around the globe

    The Newcastle Business School offers courses across three campuses including Newcastle, the Central Coast, and Port Macquarie. We also teach postgraduate degrees at the City Campus located in the heart of Newcastle, as well as in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Sydney.

    A wealth of experience

    The Newcastle Business School has full time multicultural academic staff who have wide-ranging professional teaching experience at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as through supervision of higher research degree students. They also have strong research records and have compiled an impressive output of research books, textbooks, journal articles and professional publications.

    Bachelor of Commerce

    Bachelor of Commerce will provide you with the functional skills and the broad understanding of the business environment that employers expect of work-ready graduates

    Duration: 3 years


    • Accounting
    • Finance
    • Economics
    • Master of Business

    The Master of Business program provides you with a range of analytic, strategic, management and leadership skills and knowledge which will prepare you for increasingly competitive careers in business management in the corporate and public sectors

    Duration: 2 years


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 08 February 2012
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