• Griffith Business

  • Business at Griffith University

    Bachelor of Business and commerce

    Duration: 3 years

    The business world offers rewarding career choices that are wide and varied - from advising on employment relations issues, managing employees or the supply of goods and services - to helping devise and manage marketing campaigns. In whatever part of the business world you can see yourself playing a role, the Griffith Business School has a degree that will best meet your needs.


    • Employment Relations
    • Human Resource Management
    • International Management
    • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    • Management
    • Marketing

    Master of Business

    Duration: 1 year

    The Master of Business program aims to provide students with sound business management knowledge and skills necessary to meet the current challenges facing professionals working in tourism, hospitality, sport and event management and similar organisations.


    • Marketing
    • Strategic Management
    • Managing People
    • Managing Financial Resources

    Doctor of Philosophy

    Duration: 4 years

    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is Griffith's premier research training degree. The PhD is awarded on the basis of a thesis prepared under supervision that makes an original, significant and extensive contribution to knowledge and understanding in the relevant field of study, as judged by independent experts applying accepted contemporary international standards. This program can be undertaken in schools and research centres.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 10 October 2011
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