• Tasmania Business

  • Business at Tasmania University

    The three Schools within the Faculty of Business offer a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and pathway programs that prepare students for a wide range of careers in business.

    The most popular degree is the Bachelor of Business. It offers a wide range of majors, including Accounting, Management, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Economics, Tourism, Corporate Governance, Information Systems, International Business and Finance. Marketing, Finance and Corporate Governance can all be completed by distance. It is also offered in combination with Information Systems, Arts, Law, Science, Computing and, in the near future, Engineering.

    The School of Economics offers a specialist Bachelor of Economics degree that aims at preparing professional economists and that can be taken as a combined degree with the Bachelor of Business and Information Systems.
    The School of Management offers two Bachelor of Business Administration degrees aimed at providing specialist pathways for TAFE entrants, particularly those with a hospitality and tourism background.

    The School of Management offers a Bachelor of Tourism degree that aims to provide students with the essential knowledge and expertise required to succeed in the industry. At the postgraduate course work level the Faculty offers a range of Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters programs, in the areas of Business, Business Administration, Finance, Health Management,  International Business, Marketing, Professional Accounting and Tourism.

    The Faculty also offers a range of Honours degrees for those who wish to undertake more specialised and advanced work, often going on to PhD programs offered by the Faculty. A range of scholarships are available to support Honours and Research Higher Degree students.

    Mission Statement

    The Faculty of Business’ mission is to be a leading provider and facilitator of business education, research and consultancy in Australia and internationally. 

    • To achieve this, the Faculty is committed to:
    • Providing excellent teaching and learning to all of its students
    • Continually improving the quality of its research activities and outcomes
    • Providing an enjoyable work and study environment

    Actively engaging the local, national and international business communities to enhance the teaching, research and learning outcomes for its students and staff

    Bachelor of Business

    Duration: 3 years

    This course is a multidisciplined business degree ensuring students learn the fundamental disciplines underlying the dynamic professional world of business. Year one consists of 6 core units and 2 elective units. Years 2 and 3 consist of units to complete one major from the Faculty of Business and another major or approved grouping of units from the Faculty of Business or another faculty. The course allows students to select studies from the following areas:

    • Accounting (H,L,CC)
    • Business Economics (H)
    • Business Management (H,L)
    • Corporate Governance (H,L,CC, D)
    • Electronic Business (H,L)
    • Entrepreneurship (H,L)
    • Finance (H,L,D)
    • Human Resource Management (H,L)
    • International Business (H)
    • Management of Information Systems (H)
    • Marketing (H,L,D)
    • Tourism (H,L)

    Master of Business

    Duration: 1 year

    The Faculty of Business may accept as a candidate for the Master of Business any of the following:

    1. A person who has completed an undergraduate degree of an Australian higher education institution or the equivalent standard in any other institution,
    2. A person who hascompleted the Graduate Certificate in Business, or the equivalent standard in any other institution.


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 02 February 2013
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