• New England Business

  • Business at University of New England

    The School of Business, Economics and Public Policy is nationally renowned for its high teaching standards that are delivered in a unique living and learning environment. Our courses incorporate units offered through our wide range of subject areas. Our students get to know and work closely with academics who are research focused teachers and informed by practice. The School has one of the highest proportion of Higher Degree Research Students and International students of all the schools within the University.

    Take time to visit the Graduate School of Business (GSB) site, housed within our School, to find out about programs which are accredited with the Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), Certified Practising Accountants Australia (CPA), the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) and the National Institute of Accountants (NIA). We are also affiliated with UNE Partnerships, the business arm of the University of New England, and are a member of the Northern Inland Sustainable Business Network (NISBN). The School of Business, Economics and Public Policy offers the following undergraduate courses.

    • Accounting
    • Financial Services
    • Marketing
    • Management
    • Human Resource Management
    • Economics
    • Econometrics
    • Economic History
    • Agricultural Economics

    Bachelor of Business

    Duration: 3 years

    Master of Business

    Duration: 1.5


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 10 October 2011
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