• Charles Sturt Business

  • Business at Charlse Sturt University

    Bachelor of Business

    Duration: 3 years

    Charles Sturt University's Faculty of Business has earned an exceptional reputation with employers for producing graduates who not only cope with the challenges of today's business world, but excel in the opportunities which they create.


    Bachelor of Business (Banking)







    Bachelor of Business (Business Management)



    Bachelor of Business (Economics)



    Bachelor of Business (Finance)







    Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)







    Bachelor of Business (Insurance)







    Bachelor of Business (International Business Management)



    Bachelor of Business (Management)







    Bachelor of Business (Marketing)







    Bachelor of Business (Tourism Management)



    Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Information Technology



    Bachelor of Business Administration


    Master of Business Administration

    Duration: 1.5


    • Economic Analysis
    • Educational Leadership
    • Human Resource Management
    • Information Technology
    • Marketing
    • Public Sector Management
    • Doctor of Philosophy (Business)

    Normal course duration: Full-time 4.0 years


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 08 February 2012
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