• Sunshine Coast Business

  • Business at Sunshine Coast University

    The Faculty of Business is fast developing a reputation for its innovative approach to business education. Currently the Faculty has approximately 1,400 students enrolled in more than 50 programs and offers study opportunities in:

    The Faculty has developed niche courses in innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism in response to regional needs and industry trends. Postgraduate students can study on campus or online coursework programs, or research programs in a wide range of areas supervised by highly qualified academics. Programs in the Faculty are flexible, allowing students to study from a variety of specialisations to enhance their career opportunities.

    Strong partnerships with business and community organisations within the region enable students to conduct research in industry, and work on real business issues. With a commitment to providing workplace-relevant degrees, the Faculty's programs keep pace with technology, industry developments and global trends.

    Bachelor of Business

    In this program you gain a strong grounding in business and have the flexibility to design the degree to suit your needs. Foundation courses include economics, management, marketing, research methods, accounting, business law and ethics, and informatics. You then choose courses in specialised streams, generally to gain in-depth knowledge in one discipline (major) and broad knowledge in another discipline (minor).

    Duration:3 years full-time

    Master of International Business

    The Master of International Business is a contemporary flagship degree of the Faculty of Business. It equips you with the international business skills you need in managing a global environment of continuous change. The program aims to exploit existing opportunities in the global environment and to explore new and demanding business challenges.

    Duration:8 months full-time

    Doctor of Philosophy

    The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is an advanced research program that fosters the development of independent research skills, scholarly analysis and an ability to communicate research findings.

    Duration:3 years expected


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 11 January 2012
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