• Southern Queensland Business

  • Business at University of Southern Queensland

    The Faculty prides itself on providing a high quality, flexible business education through programs which are widely accepted in the global market place. We understand that our students come from all walks of life, so we have designed innovative business and law programs which not only give you the edge to follow your own career path, but also allow you to study on-campus at one of the well-equipped campuses or from anywhere in the world with an internationally awarded distance education provider. Our range of business and law programs has been designed to ensure great flexibility, competitive quality, and market relevance.

    Choose from an extensive array of majors and specialisations to fit with your career choice. Each program comes equipped with a strong reputation, and support from employers both in Australia and throughout the world. Our range of business and law courses can be studied individually or as part of a complete business program, to fit with your needs and lifestyle. USQ business and law programs will challenge and fulfil you in your quest for lifelong learning. We look forward to supporting you in achieving your goals.

    Program Information

    The Faculty offers a comprehensive choice in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in business and law.These programs are offered in a variety of modes, covering on-campus, distance and on-line study. Students can vary the mode over the course of their program to suit their particular circumstances.

    The Faculty of Business and Law is the largest Faculty in the University and prides itself on providing the highest quality business and legal education through its four academic schools: 

    The Faculty offers a comprehensive choice in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in business, commerce and law. These programs are offered in a variety of modes covering on-campus, distance and online study.

    Areas of study


    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 29 January 2012
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