• KBU International College (KBU)



    KBU International College (KBU)


    KBU International College (KBU) is a private higher education institution established in 1990 by the First Nationwide Group, owner and developer of the 1000 acres fully integrated township/commercial district of Bandar Utama.



    KBU has a purpose-designed, fully equipped campus with sports and recreational facilities, and located on a 13-acre site within Bandar Utama. Students at KBU will, therefore, receive a holistic education.

    The main objective of KBU is to provide higher education opportunities to young Malaysians and foreign nationals in a wide range of academic and professional fields such as Engineering, Computing/ICT/Software Engineering, Hospitality & Tourism, Business and Art & Design. Quality education is the hallmark of KBU with the intended outcome of producing highly employable graduates in a knowledge-based economy.


    Schools & Centres

    Our Schools are:

    Our Centres include:

    • Matriculation Studies Centre
    • Language Centre

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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 28 November 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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