• Study Costs


    Malaysian Education
    Cost of Studying


    Another prime reason why many international students have chosen Malaysia to pursue their tertiary education is the affordable tuition fees. The following tables show the estimated tuition fees at various levels of education.

    (A) Foundation or Pre-University Studies

    GCE ‘A’, Level, UK USD 3,140 - USD 4,860 (18 months)
    Ausmat, Australia USD 2,570 - USD 3,140 (1 year)
    SAM, Australia USD 2,570 - USD 3,860 (1 year)
    Canadian Pre-U, Canada USD 3,430 - USD 4,430 (1 year)
    Pre-University, Malaysia USD 2,290 - USD 3,230 (1 year)


    (B) Preparatory Courses for English Proficiency Tests

    Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) USD 143 - USD 229 (2 months)
    International English Language Testing System (IELTS) USD 129 - USD 229 (2 months)


    (C) Bachelor’s Degree Programmes (in USD)

    Areas of Study
    Paths of Study
    Entire Degree Arrangement
    (i) Private College’s
    3+0 Foreign Degree
    Programme (3 years)
    (ii) Foreign Branch Campus
    University’s Degree
    Programmme (3 years)
    (iii) Malaysian Private
    University’s Degree
    Programmme (3 years)
    11,150 - 14,290
    13,710 - 24,000
    8,570 - 11,430
    12,860 - 14,860 (3 yrs, UK)
    21,140 - 40,000
    (4 year - Aust) (3 year - UK)
    12,860 - 14,290 (4 yrs)
    9,710 - 12,860
    13,430 - 25,140
    9,430 - 12,290
    114,290 (5 year)
    62,860 - 108,570 (5 year)
    Hospitality &
    13,710 - 18,570
    12,000 - 14,290



    (E) Postgraduate Studies Offered by Public Universities & PHEIs
    Master Bisnis Dan Administrasi (MBA) USD 5,710 - USD 16,740
    Ph.D USD 3,000 - USD 10,860


    Source : Challenger Concept Research Team (www.StudyMalaysia.com)
    Note : All figures are estimates only. Students are advised to confirm with the respective educational institution
    Exchange Rate : Estimated USD 1 = RM3.50

    Cost Advantages

    The relatively cheaper cost of the education in Malaysia coupled with the availability of internationally-recognised qualifications highlights another significant factor why international students choose to study here. The following tables show the cost benefits of studying in Malaysia:

    An Example of Comparative Education Cost for a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science (3 yrs) of an Australian University
    Australian Branch
    Campus in Malaysia
    Australian University
    Tuition Fees
    USD 8,650
    USD 17,000
    Living Costs
    USD 4,290 - 5,710
    USD 14,290 - 16,430
    Health Insurance
    USD 60
    USD 250
    Average Education Cost (per year)
    USD 13,670
    USD 32,440
    Total Education Cost
    USD 41,010
    USD 97,330
    Source: Study in Malaysia Handbook published by Challenger Concept (M) Sdn Bhd


    An Estimation of Education Cost for a Bachelor’s Degree
    Programme in Arts & Business (per year) in Various Countries
    Country Tuition Fees Living Cost Total Cost
    Australia (public) USD 8,500 USD 8,500 USD 17,000
    Canada (public) USD 7,500 USD 9,000 USD 16,500
    France (public) minimal USD13,000 USD 13,000
    Malaysia (private) USD4,600 USD4,000 USD9,000
    New Zealand (public) USD 10,000 USD 11,500 USD 21,500
    Singapore (private) USD 6,500 USD 10,000 USD 16,500
    United Kingdom (public) USD 14,000 USD 12,500 USD 26,500
    USA (public) USD 13,000 USD 12,000 USD 25,000
    USA (private) USD 22,000 USD 13,000 USD 35,000
    Source: Study in Malaysia Handbook (International Edition) & various related websites


    An Estimation of Study Cost for a 3+0 Foreign University Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Business Studies in Malaysia (per year)
    Tuition Fees Living Cost Total Cost
    USD 5,000 USD 4,000 USD 9,000
    Source: Challenger Concept Research Team (www.StudyMalaysia.com)
    Note: All the figures are estimates only and may not be up to-date.
    Exchange Rate: Estimated USD 1 = RM3.50



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    Last Updated: 05 April 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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