• The International Medical University



    The International Medical University-Medicine



    The IMU, founded in 1992, is Malaysia’s first private medical educational institution. The University enjoys an international reputation, and provides a high standard of education at the undergraduate level. English is the medium of instruction.
    The University has always placed a high value on its undergraduate studies. We have expanded our undergraduate programmes beyond medical, pharmacy and nursing programmes to dentistry and health sciences programmes.

    Medicine is both a science and an art. It is the science of uncertainty coupled with the art of probability. In fact, medicine is not just a Science that can be taught, but an Art that has to be learnt. The journey through medical school is an exciting teaching-learning experience which involves acquisition of knowledge of human structure and function in health and disease, and the application of the same in a clinical setting using critical thinking and problem solving skills. In the initial years of medical education, the science behind the intricate form and function of this magnificent engineering marvel of nature (that we call the human body) would be unraveled. The art of medicine is something that is acquired over a period of time, the learning of which starts at the portals of medical school and continues well after graduation. A career in medicine means lifelong learning and a lifetime of service towards the wellness of mankind. The process involves the subtle metamorphosis of the rather inexperienced and innocuous medical student into a compassionate, learned health professional with high standards of moral and ethical values, who cares about the communal health of the society, nation and the world.






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 30 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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