• Islamic Science University of Malaysia



    Islamic Science University of Malaysia-Medicine


    In line with Vision 2020, where Malaysia aims to be a developed country, the government has estimated that 41,963 doctors will be needed. Based on the number of doctors graduating from both local and foreign universities, Malaysia will still be short of doctors by the year 2020.

    Program Offered

    The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of USIM shall award the degree of 'Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery' (MBBS) to its successful candidates.
    Basically,the program is divided into two equal phases,namely,pre-clinical and clinical phases with Islamic input integrated throughout the six-year program.


    The Medical Program of the faculty spans over a period of 6 years.The majority of the students will be from Pusat Tamhidi USIM,which conducts a one-year Medical Matriculation program.The academic session in each year  is divided into two semesters.There are 15 weeks of academic session in each semester in year 1 and year 2 and 16 weeks per semester in year 3.The duration of each semester in the clinical phase (year 4,5 and 6) depends on the duration of the postings.





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    Last Updated: 30 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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