• University of Technology MARA



    The Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM


    The Faculty was established in August 2001. A three-year Diploma of Pharmacy Programme began earlier, in 1996. The first batch of 29 students for the four-year Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) programme was accepted for the May-November 2002 academic session.

    The Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM began Pharmacy, UiTM began to offer Master’s and Doctorate courses by research in 2003. To date, we have active research projects ongoing in the Faculty. We are progressing very well with post graduates students doubling in number each semester. Projects are sponsored by grants from Intensified Research Priority Area (IRPA), Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and Institute of Research Management, UiTM.

    The Faculty has also established linkages with pharmaceutical industries to provide consultation and research collaborations. Currently, Faculty of Pharmacy is located at Puncak Alam Campus.

    It comprises a multi-storey building which houses eight teaching, six multi-disciplinary research (pharmacology, physiology, pharmaceutical technology, pharmagenetics), animal house and two computer laboratories. Pharmaceutical manufacturing and clinical pharmacy simulation units are also available to provide in-house practical training to the students. The Faculty is committed to provide academic and research training at world class level.







    The Faculty of Pharmacy are very committed on research and development. Currently, more than 10 laboratories are assigned as research laboratories, culminating in the establishment of a research wing for pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical and nutraceutical discovery. The wing consists of 4 major laboratories that, in collaborative manner, perform the whole series of the drug discovery process from extraction and synthesis, to bioassays and formulations. The effort hopes to fulfill UiTM’s strategic aim of becoming a world-class teaching and research university.




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    Last Updated: 12 February 2013
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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