• The Malaysia University of Science and Technology



    The Malaysia University of Science and Technology-Engineering

    Construction Management

    The Bachelor of Science in Construction Management programme educates and trains students to be readily employed by construction and its allied industries. Students graduating from this programme will be armed with an excellent mix of technical and management knowledge, providing them with a versatile set of skills for diverse careers in the large and fast-growing construction industry, the lucrative property development industry and real estate, among others.

    The Master of Science in Construction Engineering and Management programme provides students with the critical knowledge and background essential to making decision at site, organisation, industry and sector levels. Student learn the very concept and methodologies that effect execution of construction implementation through proper project scheduling, estimation and cost control. Student learn to manage productivity, optimise construction activities and output while reducing risks. Student will cultivate good leadership quality, be sensitive to and meeting the challenges of environmental, energy and social demands.


    Material Science & engineering programm

    We offer a comprehensive 3-year program Bachelor covering scientific and technical knowledge of modern technological materials such as alloys, metals, polymers, semiconductors, magnetic, composites and biological materials. Today, the ability to create advanced or novel materials for inventions of devices and engineering application requires atomistic and molecular understanding of materials; notwithstanding that basic knowledge of materials science is increasingly associated with all modern engineering designs.

    The M.Sc. Program in Materials Science & Engineering is suited to graduates wishing to acquire advanced knowledge and enhance problem-solving skills. The Program covers scientific and technical knowledge of modern technological materials such as alloys and metals, polymers, semiconductors, magnetic, composites, biological materials, and nanomaterials. The materials science component of the program emphasizes the study of the microstructure of materials and of processing-structure-property relations in materials. The materials engineering component emphasizes the importance of materials processing where improved performance of materials depends directly on advances in processing. This content provides sufficient background for graduates to become novice researchers in the ever progressive field of materials science and its application in the creation of advanced or novel materials for engineering applications and inventions of devices.









    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 25 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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