• University Malaysia Perlis



    University Malaysia Perlis-Engineering



    School of Computer and Communication Engineering
    School of Computer and Communication Engineering (SCCE or PPKKP) offers Philosophical Doctorate, Master’s and  Undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree programs in Computer Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Network Engineering and Diploma in Computer Engineering. The programmes provide students for their future career in  the following industries: electronic and electrical and IT industries, academia, and government by providing outstanding environment and facilities for teaching, learning, and for research. The School places high priority on establishing and maintaining innovative research activities to enhance its education quality and make it relevant and competitive at regional, national and international  level. And providing resources for for discovering, integrating and applying new knowledge and technologies.
    School of Microelectronic Engineering
    The School of Microelectronic Engineering, one of the first two schools in UNIMAP, started operation in April 2002. UNIMAP’s philosophy emphasises the importance of integration between knowledge and technical practice.
    The school offers the following programmes:


    School of Electrical Systems Engineering

    School of Electrical Systems Engineering offers three programs of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Systems Engineering), Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Electronics Engineering) and Bachelor of Engineering (Energy Systems Engineering). All the programs in the School of Electrical Systems is concerned with the design aspects of electrical machinery, equipment, electrical systems, power electronics and energy management for industrial use.


    School of Mechatronic Engineering

    The school was established in 2003 and one of the top engineering schools in Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) with world-class research and teaching programs to reflect our growing strength in an exciting new area of engineering. We are committed to offering an education that prepares the students to be engineers and the next generation of leaders in their fields. In response to the changing engineering expectations of employers, we offered three programs; mechatronic, mechanical and biomedical electronic engineering. For many years, the School has earned a reputation for graduating engineers with strong practical skills.

    The programme is a multi disciplinary field that is synergistic of electrical, mechanical, electronics, control and computer engineering disciplines which enables its graduates having good analytical and design knowledge of integrated mechatronic systems to cater for the needs in the automation industry. The programmes offered are:


    School of Materials Engineering

    Materials Engineering, Metallurgy Engineering and Polymer Engineering are related to structure, properties of materials and its engineering applications. Materials Engineer, Metallurgy Engineer and Polymer Engineer are responsible for designing, producing, inspecting and testing materials such as metal alloys, semiconductors, superconductors, ceramics, polymers, plastics and composites.

    Courses offered:


    The School of Manufacturing Engineering

    The School of Manufacturing Engineering offers three undergraduate programmes – B. Eng in Manufacturing Engineering, B. Eng in Product Design Engineering, and Diploma in Manufacturing Engineering. It also offers Masters and PhD by research.


    School of Environmental Engineering

    The School of Environmental Engineering is the seventh school established in UniMAP and was founded in January 2006. The school currently offers two programs; Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental Engineering) and Bachelor of Engineering (Building Engineering) since July 2006 and July 2008, respectively. The programs are in line with the Education Plan 2001-2010 to produce engineers who are capable of comprehending globalization and k-economy challenges towards achieving a developed nation status.

    • Bachelor Engineering in Environmental Engineering
    • Bachelor Engineering in Building Engineering
    • Master of Science ( Environmental Engineering )


    School of Bioprocess Engineering

    The School of Bioprocess Engineering takes pride in living up to UniMAP’s mission and vision in her endeavour to be the best of the best. The School offers one program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Bioprocess Engineering).

    • Bachelor Engineering in Bioprocess Engineering
    • Bachelor of Engineering in Biosystem Engineering
    • Master of Science ( Bioprocess Engineering )







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    Last Updated: 24 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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