• University of Kebangsaan Malaysia



    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Engineering


    When the Faculty of Engineering was set up on 1 November 1984, it consists of four departments: Electric, Electronics and System Engineering; Chemistry and Process Engineering; Civil and Structure Engineering; and  Mechanical and Material Engineering.  In 2002, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of a new department: Department of Architecture.


    The undergraduate programmes at the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment are to produce engineers and architects using their scientific knowledge in support of the country’s development. Thus its graduates needed to be innovative and creative possessing high ethical values when designing and executing their works for the benefit of the people. This would be in conformity with the country’s Vision 2020 to become a developed nation possessing advanced technology and with high moral standards and integrity.



    • Department of Civil & Structural Engineering
    • Department of Electrical, Electronic & System Engineering
    • Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
    • Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
    • Department of Architecture








    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 24 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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