• University of Technology MARA



    The Faculty of Education-University of Technology MARA


    The Faculty of Education was established in November 1997 with the aim of producing Bumiputera teachers who are knowledgeable and competent and will form the backbone of the country's educational system.

    The Faculty is also involved in a joint programme with the Ministry of Education which commenced in 2002 offering special degree programmes knows as the Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru (PKPG) to non-graduate teachers. The PKPG programme is aimed at producing graduate teachers in the following areas: TESL, Art Education, multimedia Interactive, Physical and Health Education, Mathematics and science Education.

    In November 2005 the faculty embarked on yet another joint programme with the Ministry of Education by offering the Bachelor in education (Honours) majoring in Educational Management. The special joint programme is also fondly known as Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru Besar or in short, PKPGB. The Programme is offered at UITM Shah Alam and UITM Sarawak campuses.

    On behalf of the Faculty of Education, UiTM, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the education programme. I hope you will enjoy your programme of study and benefit fully from it. All of us at the faculty of Education are excited at the prospect of working with you and to assure you a rewarding intellectual experience. I wish you all the best as you embark on this journey of fulfilling your undergraduate and post graduate ambitions at the faculty. Programs:





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    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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