• University of Science Malaysia



    University of Science Malaysia-Educational Studies




    The Basic Education Research Unit (BERU) was established in February 1990 as a research unit under the School of Educational Studies.  The launching of the Unit was made possible by the incorporation of the infrastructure and Research and Development activities of Project InSpire (Integrated System of Programmed Instruction for Rural Environments) into a permanent research unit.

    The main focus of this unit is basic education. Basic education is defined as the education for values, knowledge, basic skills as well as the development of cognitive skills, and aspects of psychology and sociology at the school level.

    The four main objectives of BERU are:

    • to conduct research, evaluation and development of resource materials to raise the quality of teaching and learning

    • to offer consultancy and advisory services in the field of basic education

    • to assist in the human resource development of teachers and education personnel

    • to disseminate information







    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 26 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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