• University Malaysia Sarawak UNIMAS



    UNIMAS-Computer Science & IT



    Software is going to dominate everything that we do in future. As such, nations that have succeeded in producing adequate competent Computing manpower are well poised to become the future super-powers of the world.  In ensuring that the nation acquires this edge, UNIMAS is prepared to significantly increase our Computing student intake. If you have the drive to explore challenges and the vision to shape the world, then you should consider joining us. An academic qualification in Computer Science will put you in the driving seat, empowered to shape our future world.

    The Faculty was established in November 1993. Set in the backwoods, away from the major IT hubs, the first task of the day was to simply "get connected".

    The pioneering batch of 1994 consisted of 34 students. Postgraduate students were concomitantly enrolled, and by July 1995, the Faculty delivered UNIMAS first 3 graduates who qualified for their Masters in IT.







    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 27 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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