• Islamic Science University of Malaysia



    Islamic Science University of Malaysia



    USIM has established the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat for the 2002/2003 academic session in order to widen the scope of programmes. The first intake for the Bachelor of Muamalat Administrations (Hons) programme registered in May 2002. With the establishment, it is hoped that the Faculty of Economics and Muamalat will be another channel to produce graduates who are knowledgeable, skillful and professional in the field of  muamalat administration. Besides, it is also the aspiration of the University that the Faculty will uphold the principles of Islam by creating more opportunities for experts, intellects and scholars to research and investigate and eventually expand the knowledge of Islamic economy and muamalat.


    Graduate Programmes:


    1. Master of Muamalat Administration (Halal Product)
    2. Master of Muamalat Administration

    Research and Thesis Writing

    1. Master of Economics and Muamalat Administration
    2. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Muamalat Administration


    Undergraduate Programmes:

    1. Bachelor of Muamalat Administration with Honours
    2. Bachelor of Accounting with Honours






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    Last Updated: 22 September 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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