• Sultan Idris University of Education



    Sultan Idris University of Education-Science


    The Faculty of Science and Mathematics was established on 1 May 1997 to meet the needs for science and mathemetics education in schools. Currently the education programs offered by the faculty consist of the programs on Science, Mathmetics, and Infromation Technology. The objective of the studies in the faculty is to strengthen and broaden the knowledge and skills of the potential graduates in science and mathemetics. The programs offered are aimed at contributing towards the progress and broadening of the knowledge in elementary science, pure science and mathematical logic. Among the faculty achievements so far is the Silver Medal Award at the 35th International Exhibition Invention and Product of the New World Technology in 2007 in Geveva, Switzerland.


    • Department of Biology
    • Department of Chemistry
    • Department of Physics
    • Department of Mathematics






    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 03 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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