• University Malaysia Terengganu



    University Malaysia Terengganu-Sciences



    The Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) formerly known as the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science was founded in 1979. During the initial stage of its establishment, the faculty only offered programmes and courses related to several disciplines such as Marine Biology, Aquaculture, Marine Science and Fishing Technology. The faculty began to offer its bachelor's degrees in Marine Science and Computer Science in 1993 and 1997 respectively. In fullfilling the nation's vision of becoming an industrialized and environmentally friendly country, the faculty has taken pragmatic initiatives by offering new programmes in science and technology designed to generate competent, competitive, resilient, ethical and noble graduates who will fulfil the nation's demands for a knowledgeable and skilful workforce. Departments & Programmes:


    Department of Biological Sciences

    Programmes Offered


    Department of Chemical Sciences

    Programme Offered

    Department of Mathematics

    Programme Offered


    Department of Physical Sciences

    Programme Offered




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    Last Updated: 03 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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