• University of Malaya



    University of Malaya-Science



    The Faculty of Science is among the oldest and most accomplished faculties in the University. Established in 1959 with 4 departments, Department of Botanical, Department of Chemistry, Department of Mathematics and Department of Zoology; currently the Faculty of Science is the biggest faculty in University of Malaya with nearly 3000 undergraduate students, 900 postgraduate students, 220 academic staffs and 250 support staffs.

    In addition to functioning as a teaching centre, the Faculty of Science, staffed with locally and internationally feted researchers, serves as the main research centre for Science & Technology in the region. The faculty also manages its very own online scientific journal, the “Malaysian Journal of Science”.



    Bachelor of Science (BSc)
       - Actuarial and Financial Mathematics
       - Applied Geology
       - Biochemistry
       - Biohealth Science
       - Bioinformatics
       - Biotechnology
       - Chemistry
       - Ecology and Biodiversity
       - Environmental Science and Management
       - Genetics and Molecular Biology
       - Geology
       - History and Philosophy of Science
       - Mathematics, Statistics, Industrial and Computational Mathematics
       - Microbiology
       - Physics
    Bachelor of Science Education (BScEd)



    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)
    Master of Biotechnology (MBiotech)
    Master of Science (Analytical Chemistry & Instrumental Analysis)
    Master of Science
    Master of Science (Petroleum Geology)
    Master of Science (Science, Technology & Sustainability)
    Master of Science (Statistics)
    Master of Technology (Environmental Management) [MTech(EnvMgt)]
    Master of Technology (Materials Science) [MTech(MatSc)]
    Master of Bioinformatics
    Master of Science (Applied Physics)




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    Last Updated: 03 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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