• University Malaysia Sabah



    University Malaysia Sabah-Science


    The School of Science & Technology (SST) was established in 1995 with a primary aim to produce graduates in the field of science and technology in line with the aspiration of the Malaysian Government to achieve the status of an industrialized country.

    The main function of the school is to develop and disseminate knowledge related to science and technology through teaching, research and publications.


    Being located in a region rich in natural resources (land, forest, river and sea), the priority of the school is geared towards the sustainable management of these heritages.

    The school has 10 undergraduate academic programmes that lead to a BSc (Hons) in biological & physical sciences. On top of this, SST also offers Master and PhD by research in all the fields of studies.

    The School has 60 academic staff including 8 full professors, 7 associate professors, 10 senior lecturers, 25 lecturers and 11 tutors. In terms of expertise, the School has experienced staff in a wide range of specialization including molecular biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetic and plant breeding, agronomy, plant and animal ecology, physics, geology, hydrology, environmental chemistry and mathematical modelling. Programmes:





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    Last Updated: 03 October 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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