• Auburn University

  • Auburn University
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    Auburn University was established in 1856 as the East Alabama Male College, 20 years after the city of Auburn's founding. In 1872, under the Morrill Act, the school became the first land-grant college in the South and was renamed the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. In 1899 the name again was changed, to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Finally, in 1960 the name of the school was changed to Auburn University, a title more in keeping with its location, and expressing the varied academic programs and larger curriculum of a major university.


    Photo Gallery


    Today, Auburn is one of the few universities to carry the torch as a land, sea and space grant university. Our Fall 2010 semester enrollment was 25,078. Our students can choose from more than 140 degree options in 13 schools and colleges at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels.

    Auburn University has developed into one of the largest universities in the South, remaining in the educational forefront with its traditional blend of arts and applied science, and changing with the needs of today while living with a respect for the traditions and spirit that are Auburn.


    Colleges and Schools


    College of Agriculture homepage

    Academic Departments

    • Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
    • Agronomy and Soils
    • Animal Sciences
    • Bio systems Engineering
    • Entomology and Plant Pathology
    • Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures
    • Horticulture
    • Poultry Science


    Architecture, Design & Construction

    College of Architecture, Design & Construction homepage

    Academic Departments

    School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture

    • Architecture
    • Interior Architecture
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Community Planning
    • Master of Integrated Design & Construction (Design Track)

     McWhorter School of Building Science

    • Building Science
    • Master of Integrated Design & Construction (Construction Track)

     Department of Industrial and Graphic Design

    • Environmental Design (Post Baccalaurette)
    • Industrial Design
    • Graphic Design



    College of Business homepage

    Academic Departments

    • School of Accountancy
    • Department of Aviation and Supply Chain Management
    • Department of Finance
    • Department of Management
    • Department of Marketing



    College of Education homepage

    Academic Departments

    • Department of Curriculum and Teaching
    • Department of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Technology
    • Department of Kinesiology
    • Department of Special Education, Rehabilitation and Counseling



    Samuel Ginn College of Engineering homepage


    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Biosystems Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering with Computer Engineering Option
    • Industrial and Systems Engineering
    • Materials Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Software Engineering
    • Fiber Engineering
    • Wireless Engineering


    Forestry and Wildlife Sciences

    School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences homepage



    Harrison School of Pharmacy hoempage

    Departments and Offices

    • Department of Pharmacal Sciences
    • Department of Pharmacy Practice
    • Department of Pharmacy Care Systems
    • Office of Information and Instructional Technology
    • Office of the Dean
    • Office of Academic and Student Affairs
    • Office of Experiential Learning
    • Office of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
    • Post Graduate Education


    Sciences and Mathematics

    College of Sciences and Mathematics homepage


    • Biological Sciences
    • Chemistry and Biochemistry
    • Geology and Geography
    • Mathematics and Statistics
    • Physics


    Veterinary Medicine

    College of Veterinary Medicine homepage


    • Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology
    • Clinical Sciences
    • Pathobiology

    Colleges and Schools

    Graduate School homepage

    • Accountancy    
    • Aerospace Engineering               
    • Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology         
    • Agronomy and Soils      
    • Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology            
    • Animal Science
    • Applied Economics (Agriculture)             
    • Applied Economics (Forestry)   
    • Applied Economics (Liberal Arts)             
    • Audiology          
    • Biological Sciences         
    • Biomedical Sciences      
    • Bio systems Engineering             
    • Building Construction   
    • Business Administration (MBA)              
    • Chemical Engineering 
    • Chemistry and Biochemistry    
    • Civil Engineering            
    • Clinical Sciences
    • Communication              
    • Communication Disorders          
    • Community Planning    
    • Computer Science and Software Engineering    
    • Consumer Affairs           
    • Curriculum and Teaching            
    • Economics         
    • Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Technology 
    • Electrical and Computer Engineering     
    • English
    • Entomology      
    • Finance              
    • Fisheries & Allied Aquaculture 
    • Food Science Option in Poultry Science
    • Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
    • Geology and Geography
    • History
    • Horticulture
    • Human Development and Family Studies
    • Industrial and Systems Engineering
    • Industrial Design
    • Integrated Design and Construction
    • Integrated Textile and Apparel Science (Interdepartmental)
    • Kinesiology
    • Landscape Architecture
    • Management & Management Information Systems
    • Materials Engineering
    • Mathematics and Statistics
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Nursing
    • Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management
    • Pathobiology
    • Pharmacal Sciences
    • Pharmacy Care Systems
    • Physics
    • Plant Pathology
    • Polymer and Fiber Engineering
    • Poultry Science
    • Psychology
    • Public Administration
    • Public Administration & Public Policy (PhD)
    • Real Estate Development
    • Rural Sociology
    • Sociology
    • Spanish
    • Special Education, Rehabilitation, and Counseling Psychology
    • Technical and Professional Communication

    Honors College homepage


    Human Sciences

    College of Human Sciences homepage

    Academic Departments

    • Department of Consumer Affairs
    • Department of Human Development and Family Studies
    • Department of Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management


    Liberal Arts

    College of Liberal Arts homepage

    Departments and Programs

    • Fine Arts
    • Humanities
    • Communications
    • Social Sciences



    School of Nursing homepage


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    Auburn University

    Bulletin 201

    Journal of Undergraduate


    Graduate School

    Policies Effective Fall 2010

    Graduate Student


    Student testimonial

    "As a business major, I have learned how economics, marketing, management, accounting and financial principles integrate with design and engineering fundamentals in practical, real-world applications. I would recommend the BET minor to business or engineering students who wish to build upon what they are learning in their major, and seek to differentiate themselves upon graduation."

    - Ryan Priselac, Economics, 2007







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    Last Updated: 07 October 2013
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