• Alabama Commission on Higher Education

  • Alabama Commission on Higher Education
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    The origin of the Commission goes back to the findings of the Alabama Education Commission of 1958.  This group was the first investigative organization formally to recognize the requirement of the coordination of higher education in Alabama. The Commission stated that “An agency…for the study and research in the interest of the coordination and development of higher education should be established to collect information, review and analyze programs and costs, and to otherwise provide a reliable source of information and to make recommendations respecting all aspects of higher education.Although not followed, this recommendation became the basis for further consideration of the concept of a coordinating board a decade later by the 1968 Alabama Education Study Commission.



      The Commission:

    • Approves new units of instruction.  This includes new institutions, mergers, branch campuses, colleges, schools, division and departments.
    • Approves any new academic programs.
    • Approves off-campus instruction.
    • Facilitates planning for higher education.  This includes developing a statewide plan.
    • Reviews and makes recommendations concerning existing programs.
    • Prepares a Unified Budget Recommendation to the Governor and the Legislature.
    • Collects and compiles information concerning higher education in the State.
    • Administers student assistance programs.
    • Conducts studies on higher education issues and makes recommendations to the institutions, the Legislature and the Governor concerning its findings.
    • Provides a state-level framework for institutions to respond cooperatively and individually to the needs of the citizenes of the Stat.
    • Maintains an electronic student unit record system to provide accountability on student progress.
    • Provides oversight for the programmatic review of private institutions operating as foreign corporations in Alabama in accord with the regulatory authority assigned to the Commission by statute.


    The Commission is not responsible for:

    • The appropriation or allocation of funds.
    • The termination of existing programs or existing units of instruction outside the program viability process.
    • The approval of new construction projects.
    • The establishment of tuition and fees.
    • Recommending/enforcing policies concerning enrollment parameters. This includes: setting enrollment caps; limiting the number of out-of-state students; setting residency requirements; or setting admission standards.
    • Setting faculty workloads or salaries.
    • The hiring and firing of personnel at the institutions.


    Mission Statement

    The Alabama Commission on Higher Education, a statewide 12-member lay board appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House and confirmed by the Senate, is the state agency responsible for the overall statewide planning and coordination of higher education in Alabama, the administration of various student aid programs, and the performance of designated regulatory functions. The Commission seeks to provide reasonable access to quality collegiate and university education for the citizens of Alabama. In meeting this commitment, the Commission facilitates informed decision making and policy formulation regarding wise stewardship of resources in response to the needs of students and the goals of institutions. The agency also provides a state-level framework for institutions to respond cooperatively and individually to the needs of the citizens of the State.

    Note:  The planning/coordination/designated regulatory functions of the Commission are limited to public sector institutions.


    Directory of Alabama Colleges and Universities

    The following does not include private, proprietary institutions.  For a roster of these institutions, please contact the Alabama Department of Postsecondary Education or visit their website at www.acs.cc.al.us.

    Public Universities

    Public Two-Year Colleges

    Non-Profit Independent Institutions






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    Last Updated: 26 May 2013
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