• University of Redlands



    University of Redlands



    The University of Redlands is a private liberal arts and sciences university located in Redlands, California, United States. Founded in 1907.




    In 2012, the 'U.S. News & World Report' ranked Redlands 11th among regional universities in the western United States, and in 2010 it was rated 7th in the western United States for its Master's degree programs. The Princeton Review included the University as one of the country's best institutions for undergraduate education in its 2008, 2009, and 2010 editions of 'The Best Colleges'. In 2007 the University earned fifth place (up from 7th in 2006) among western U.S. liberal arts colleges that offer undergraduate and master's degrees but few, if any, doctoral programs.

    Schools & Colleges

    The University of Redlands offers traditional undergraduate liberal arts degree programs within the College of Arts and Sciences, along with graduate programs in business, education, and communicative disorders. The Johnston Center for Integrative Studies offers customized degree programs for undergraduates, based upon a contract system and narrative evaluations.

    The University’s beautiful main campus is located in the city of Redlands and hosts the following schools:

    • College of Arts and Sciences
    • School of Education
    • School of Business
    • School of Continuing Studies



    The university's main campus sits on 160 acres (65 ha) near downtown Redlands.



    2012-2014 Catalog


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    Last Updated: 19 June 2014
    Editor: Negar Zandipour
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