• United States University



    United States University


    United States University (USU), is a for-profit university with emphasis on nursing and teaching in Chula Vista which is part of (San Diego City and naturally San Diego County). Founded in 1997.


    Founded in 1997 to provide a unique learning environment based on academic rigor, personal attention, and fulfilling the educational needs of underserved populations including the Hispanic and Latino communities in Southern California, United States University, www.usuniversity.edu, is uniquely successful in serving its target population and attaining its academic and social missions.


    • School of Education
    • School of Nursing
    • School of Health Sciences
    • School of General Studies
    • School of Management


    Student Handbook


    Juergen Schmid, U.S. University Student, San Diego, CA

    “In a world that seems to get more and more difficult, there is a group of people at United States University that seem to have your back and let you know that things will be all right.”




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 19 June 2014
    Editor: Negar Zandipour
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