• Soka University of America



    Soka University of America

    Soka University is a private, non-profit, four-year liberal arts college and graduate school located on 103-acres in south Orange County, California in the City of Aliso Viejo.  SUA is just one mile from the beach (if you are a bird – seven miles driving) and located in the heart of Southern California’s abundance of cultural, educational, sporting and adventure opportunities.



    SUA offers generous financial aid to both US and International students, with free tuition available to eligible admitted students whose earned family income is $60,000 or less (room and board fees still apply.)  Additional scholarship opportunities are available for higher income levels.



    Soka University of America offers a B.A. in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Environmental Studies, Humanities, International Studies, or Social and Behavioral Sciences.

    • Creative Arts Program
    • Language and Culture Program
    • University Writing Program


    2011-2012 Catalog


    Ippei Shibata
    Class of 2007

    "Originally I felt it was a disadvantage to have a liberal arts degree entering into economics, but now I feel like I have a broader perspective because I had to study so many different kinds of things."


    View Larger Map



    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

    Study in Australia | Study in the UK | Study in Malaysia | Study in Canada | Study in the USA | Study in New Zealand

    Last Updated: 19 June 2014
    Editor: Negar Zandipour
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