• San Diego Christian College



    San Diego Christian College


    San Diego Christian College (SDCC) (Formerly Christian Heritage College) is a private, evangelical Christian college located in El Cajon, California, United States, in suburban San Diego.




    Bachelor of Arts Degree

    • Biblical Studies
    • Christian Ministries  (APS )  
    • Communication
    • English
    • History/Social Science
    • Human Development (APS)
    • Interdisciplinary Studies
    • Music
    • Psychology

    Bachelor of Science Degree

    • Aviation
    • Biology
    • Business
    • Business Management
    • Kinesiology
    • Liberal Studies



    SDCC is a short distance from nearby mountain, desert, and beach resort areas. Modern freeways allow easy travel to any of San Diego's attractions within a half hour.

    San Diego's many cultural, entertainment, and research centers afford SDCC students and excellent opportunity to participate in a wide variety of educational, recreational, and cultural activities.



    2012 Catalog


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    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 06 August 2012
    Editor: Nina Zarabi
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