• John F. Kennedy University


    John F. Kennedy University


    John F. Kennedy University is a nonprofit, private university located in Pleasant Hill, California, with satellite campuses in San Jose and Berkeley. It was founded in 1964 to focus on providing continuing opportunities for non-traditional higher education.




    The University offers undergraduate-completion programs, graduate and doctorate degrees and certificates in the fields of psychology, law, management, liberal arts, holistic studies and museum studies.

    • College of Undergraduate Studies
      • Business Administration
      • Health Sciences
      • Law Enforcement Leadership
      • Legal Studies
      • Liberal Studies
    • College of Graduate and Professional Studies
      • Arts & Consciousness
      • Clinical Psychology
      • Consciousness and Transformative Studies
      • Counseling Psychology
      • Holistic Health Education
    • College of Law



    The Pleasant Hill Campus houses the University's administrative offices, two libraries and classrooms for its three colleges: the College of Graduate and Professional Studies, the Colleges of Undergraduate Studies, and the College of Law.

    The John F. Kennedy University Berkeley campus is located in the historic H. J. Heinz building on the corner of Ashby and San Pablo Avenues. At this campus, the College of Graduate and Professional Studies offers its Arts & Consciousness and Museum Studies programs, along with a fast-track cohort program in the Counseling Psychology program.


    University Catalog


    2012 Catalog




    For more information, please contact  one of our offices

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    Last Updated: 19 June 2014
    Editor: Negar Zandipour
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